Fall 2018 AFSA Committee Applications!

Join the AFSA family and get involved in SAF!

You may apply to a MAXIMUM of 3 committees of your choice! 

Fill out the respective forms for the committee you are applying to. Please include all attachments that are required.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Vice President listed in the chosen typeform.

Names and emails of all Vice Presidents may be found here.


ADMIN & KM: https://afsa.typeform.com/to/Fukwyd

EDUCATION: https://afsa.typeform.com/to/ebZuMy

FINANCE: https://afsa.typeform.com/to/QBtVOp

MARKETING: https://afsa.typeform.com/to/LE9srx

INTERNAL EVENTS: https://afsa.typeform.com/to/SvI8zu

INTERNAL SERVICES: https://afsa.typeform.com/to/drZS3X

EXTERNAL: https://afsa.typeform.com/to/Pf5Mkr

We look forward to reviewing your applications!

All forms are due September 16 at 11:59pm!