Key Financial Documents

2015 - 2016 Financial Disclosures

AFSA External Funding Proposal 2015-2016

2014 - 2015 Financial Disclosures

AFSA External Funding Proposal 2014-2015

2013 - 2014 Financial Disclosures

AFSA Financial Statements 2013 - 2014

AFSA External Budget 2013 - 2014

2012 - 2013 Financial Disclosures

AFSA Financial Statements 2012 - 2013

AFSA External Budget 2012 - 2013

2011 - 2012 Financial Disclosures

AFSA Financial Statements 2011 - 2012

AFSA External Budget 2011 - 2012

Funding Proposals

The Accounting & Finance Student Association (AFSA) accepts funding proposal for special projects from internal and external parties. Funding proposals are evaluated by the Executive Team based on the purpose and the value of the project to School of Accounting & Finance (SAF) students.

Fill out the form in the Financial Disclosures side bar titled "External Funding Proposal" along with the required documentation and submit it to the VP Finance at Please send any inquiries regarding funding to


The Accounting and Finance Endowment Fund (AFEF), formerly known as the Accounting Endowment Fund (AEF), has and will always be for the betterment of the students of the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF). AFSA is no longer the organization that is the sole fiduciary of the fund, and is instead managed by the AFEF Board of Directors, who evaluate proposals each term.  Students enrolled in the SAF contribute $20 to the fund for each term they are on campus. Contributions made to the AFEF are fully tax-deductible and tax receipts are issued by the University of Waterloo prior to each tax season through Quest.

Students also contribute $30 to the Accounting & Finance Association fee (previously voted in by referendum by the SAF student body during 2014-15). It should be noted that you are not eligible for conference subsidies should you request a refund. Furthermore, additional restrictions may be added up to the discretion of the AFSA team. If you have any questions or concerns about the AFEF or refunds, please do not hesitate to contact the VP Finance at

You can request a refund for the $30 contribution to Accounting & Finance Association here from January 9th – January 25th (midnight). The first step is to state your reasoning for requesting a refund and the second step is to provide your information as well as confirm your acknowledgement of the consequences of the refund. Note that you cannot participate in any AFSA events or services, including the conference programs, if you have opted out of the fee. (AFSA runs its Goes for Gold program which subsidizes 80% of a conference fee and travel, and its subsidy program which subsidizes up to 75% of a conference’s registration fees.)